Today’s Celestia challenge is Tourists!!

Lots of ponies like to go on vacation to different places, but they can annoy the locals. We call them tourists. You can always tell the tourist by their confused look, map, camera, and often a goofy shirt and hat.

Let’s see one of these tourist ponies on vacation!

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!

Tonight’s Luna Challenge is… Rockhoof!

Oh the legends and myths that bubble to the surface now and then in Equestria. Like the legend of Rockhoof. Rockhoof lived in a village on the edge of a volcano. An active volcano. No surprise when the thing went and erupted on them. But, rather than fade into obscurity like Pompeii’s lame brother, Rockhoof stood up to the flow of lava, digging a trench that diverted it away from the village. How could one earth pony manage such a feat? Well, it is a legend after all. Draw some fukken’ Rockhoof!

You have 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 to submit. Have fun!