The luna challenge is coming in an hour. Look forward to seeing you all soon! put on your serious hat and um….. then fill up the glitter fountain…. or whatever your artistic routine is.
Month: September 2017
Dorks ready for water! 😀
Thanks for participating everyone! Hope you had fun!
Also! The Roundup is on!
Submit any art you like relating to any challenges we’ve ran in the past or fan arts for the blog, updated challenge pieces, things like that! Doesn’t matter how long you worked on it or how old the challenge was or anything, just toss it our way!
You’ve got until after the Twilight Challenge tomorrow to submit, the box will be open the whole time! Submit as much as you like!
Artists Included:
m0nster-c00kie (
Joey Waggoner (
Cammy (
MKogwheel (
Empyu (
xbi (
Pabbles (
Just 15 minutes to be beach ready!
Images of the Equestria Girls Minis Beach Dolls have appeared on Amazon! Check out some tropical fun in our post:
- Equestria Girls Applejack Beach Doll
- Equestria Girls Fluttershy Beach Doll
- Equestria Girls Pinkie Pie Beach Doll
- Equestria Girls Sunset Shimmer Beach Doll
- Equestria Girls Trixie Lulamoon Beach Doll
- Equestria Girls Twilight Sparkle Beach Doll

For today’s Twilight Challenge… draw you some beach gear’d mlp! I figured the above may provide some inspiration.
You can do EQG or regular pone, it’s all good!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
See You In 45 Minutes For The Next Challenge!
Either a paper doll or a videogame, but either way it’s a thrift shop game!
Thanks for the submission dnon, see you later for the next challenge!
Artists Included:
dnon (
Box is open!

All you last minute shoppers, get that art in the box!
Today’s Cadence challenge is Ponies and Thrift shops! Any character, doing whatever you wish! Working at a thrift shop, donating to one, shopping at one, making a music video about one, whatever you can think of!Â
45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit, time to pop some tags everyone!Â
Challenge in an hour!

Just one NSFW post today! This academy record took a lot of training and practice, but it is amazing how much one pony can take!
Thanks for the art, anonymous artist.
We hope to see you and plenty more back here later for more challenges!
Artists Included:
All submissions anonymous