Sorry for the delay.
Sassy’s looking cute and ready to help a customer!

Thank you for the art, xbi. Hope you had fun!
We hope you will join us later for more challenges!!

And don’t forget the roundup is going on everyone! Submit any art for old challenges you didn’t get to do in time or any improvements to previously submitted work!

Artists Included:

xbi (

Today’s Celestia challenge is Sassy Saddles !

She sure can be busy, but she does a fine job taking care of Rarity’s boutique in Canterlot. Her job is very high stress, but she makes it work. Draw her working or relaxing or whatever you want.

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!

Looks like bonbon is plenty angry. Being told to cut back on sweets as your special someone has four scoops! how can you not be annoyed/angry about that? Well don’t ask the gamer ponies depending on how you play that can make you even madder. I mean they agreed final destination no items but items were on!

Thanks to everyone who submitted to this challenge. I just hope the grump didn’t rub off on everyone.

Artists Included:

Jargon Scott (
Douloug (
Pabbles (