Nothing was submitted for this challenge. I guess we’ll never know what happened to human Sunset Shimmer.
You can join us in just a few hours for another challenge though. We hope to see you then!!
Nothing was submitted for this challenge. I guess we’ll never know what happened to human Sunset Shimmer.
You can join us in just a few hours for another challenge though. We hope to see you then!!
The time has come to submit your art! You only have 15 minutes!!
Tonight’s late Luna Challenge is.. Where is Human Sunset Shimmer?!?!
Everypony seems to have a human counterpart, but we haven’t seen Sunset Shimmers. Where is she? Is she ok? How much like pony Sunset was she?
You’ve got 45 minutes to draw, then 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
Wow we got a hardcore pony who looks like he is ready to fight and Celestia who I’m not sure if that’s the look she was going for but it looks great!
Awesome work from the both Eyso and Empyu! Thanks for joining us guys and we hope to see you again soon!
Artists Included:
Eyso (
Empyu (
Let’s see what we go!!
Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Punk Ponies!
These ponies aren’t afraid to “Stick to the Man”! Fight the system and don’t let your mom tell you otherwise! Let’s get together and show these ponies how we express ourselves!!
As usual there’s 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit. Have fun but please reframe from starting any riots, Ok?
Art Sources:
Aww, don’t be so angry twilight! Shoveling snow can be fun! Just look at this cool guy over here! He’s having a blast!
Thanks for taking part in the challenge today you two! More challenges await in the future, and we’d love to have you back for as many of them as you can make it for!
Artists Included:
m0nster-c00kie (
Veesocks (