The Celestia Challenge starts in just 1 hour! Get your drawing stuff ready!!
Month: January 2018
well they say toys come in all shapes and sizes and it seems somepony probably tested every shape and size to find the one that fit just right.
thanks to pabbles for this piece. and lets see you all for celestia in the morning.
Artists Included:
Selbbap (
inbox is closed
Lets see what was brought in shall we?
inbox is opened

Lets see what bits of happiness we found today shall we? as long as you show us within 15 minutes though.
toys challenge

Everyone has or has had toys that they like and mlp is no exception. Something you had since you were a baby or something brand knew you just connect with there are many types of toys including common and collectable.
So take 30 minutes to draw someone with a toy then 15 minutes to send it to the inbox.
upcoming luna

One hour until the luna challenge. see you then.
Oh boy! Who’s birthday is it to deserve such sweet treats?!
Thanks mpushomework and Dogg for your submissions! I hope the rest of your day is delicious!
Artists Included:
mpushomework (
Dogg (
The box is closed!
Let’s see what cake we got today!

The box is open!

There’s 15 minutes to submit your cakes!
Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Cake!!
Great for weddings, parties, and a whole lotta other events! Cake is for everyone! So go out and have some Cake!
There’s 45 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit. Have fun!