Month: March 2018
Box is open!
Who’s going to rise up and submit?

The Luna Challenge this time is… rising!
Season 8 is finally upon us! A brand new era of pony comes to grace us all! And while we will be running related challenges at the appropriate time, now is the time for our dormant fandom to rise, RISE!
So this challenge is just that: rising! Rise off the ground to fly, rise from your slumber, watching as the sun rises to start the new day, and so on!
Making the dead rise up is discouraged, but ultimately allowed.
You have 30 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit!
Luna Challenge in 1 hour!
I should have seen this coming *pun not intended* and now I have to clean up all the drippings! ugh….. this is why I don’t do nsfw specifics usually. Anyway lets hope the saying that it is good for your skin is true right? right?…… right?
anyway we got a lot of submissions today. Thanks to everyone that sent these in today and see you for luna.
Artists Included:
32232232 (
Fimbulvinter (
LockHeart – 9Volt (
KD (
mpushomework (
Selbbap (
Inbox is closed
Lets see how much of a mess we made…… I might have to buy more cleaner.
inbox is open

So send up what you made…… meanwhile I am going to get a mop. you have 15 minutes to submit.
NSFW cum facial challenge

Be it a little, a lot, during, or after todays twilight challenge is NSFW and the theme is cum facial so today draw someone of your choice getting a nice bit of decorative cum on their face. How much or little you want is your choice have fun with it. Although there might be some clean up you need to do after if you go over the top.
So take 45 minutes to draw someone with a nice and gooey bit of make up so to speak. Then you can have fifteen minutes to show us what you made.
NSFW twilight in an hour

Thats right. todays upcoming twilight challenge is a NSFW challenge So lets see those of you who feel you can do this in an hour and for those who like to keep it safe well hehe maybe try something new?
Dawwww… The cute is too much. I-I’m not gonna make it. Tell my Waifu I love her.
Thank you guys for these adorable submissions! Hope to see you again soon!
Artists Included:
LockHeart – 9Volt (
itsalwayspony (
m0nster-c00kie (