Month: April 2018
Oh yeah I almost forgot! We really need to do The Roundup, don’t we?
For those unfamiliar what this means is the box will be open for roughly 24 hours. During which you can submit any of the following…
- Fan Art for the blog, such as art of Quick Draw.
- Art for a topic you missed, regardless of how old, but you wanted to participate in.
- An updated piece of art for a challenge you did participate in.
- Art of a type not normally accepted due to there being elements of pre-challenge start work involved. Things like film makers and cosplay.
You’re free to submit as many pieces as you’d like and it doesn’t matter if you’ve spent a lot of time or a little on it, no 30 minutes involved here or anything, it’s just to round up that art!
Regular challenges will still run during this time.
Yeeeehaw~ see ya tomorrow for the postin’!
I honestly don’t see any April Fools to this pic? But a bunny on bunny day is still a bunny.
Thanks for participating folks! Hope ya had fun!
We’ll see you later for more challenge! Bye for now~
Artists Included:
BunnyLuvR69 (
The awaited conclusion of the first piece I see XD
Oh Fluttershy, you do the best pranks.
Artists Included:
32232232 (
Submissions are open! Time for Easter Pranks and stuff!
Today’s Late Twilight Challenge is…
April Fools / Easter!
Do something to celebrate the unique overlap of these two holidays. Can be pony or non pony, it’s fine either way.
You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
You guys have been pretty off schedule with challenges lately, what gives?
In any case a late Twilight Challenge is coming your way as soon as possible.
Such an amazing variety of styles and colors. I wonder what the occasion is, or if there even is one. Either way the stitching looks great and the design seems very sell thought out on every one of them…… although AJ might want to make sure not to stand on air vents.
Thanks to everyone who sent in something for this challenge and hope to see you later for our whatever challenge is coming up next.
Artists Included:
Eyso (
Empyu (
m0nster-c00kie (
Fimbulvinter (
Desertfox500 (
inbox closed
Inbox is closing now. Lets see how the designs turned out.
inbox is open
Best finalize that stitching because the inbox is only open for 15 minutes. Then we can do our fashion show!