The box is opened!!

Today’s Cadence Challenge is… Hugs!!!
Hugs are the embrace to heal all wounds and sometimes the best way to show someone you care. Even if someone doesn’t want a hug they might be the person to need it the most…
There’s 45 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit! Go forth and spread the love folks!!
Nothing sent in for this challenge.
But there will be more later today. We hope you join us then!!
Sorry for the delay. The box is now open!!
Today’s Celestia Challenge is stress couture!!
Sometimes when you are overwhelmed and stressed you can overdo things. You try everything you like to relax. Sometimes, if you’re a fashionista, you might make a bunch of dresses and hats and stuff and wear them all at once.
Draw anypony you want with their own stress couture!
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!!
The next challenge begins in just 1 hour! Get ready!!
Alcohol makes the mares flirty, it seems.
Thanks for your submission, Lou!
See you all soon for another challenge!
Artists Included:
Lou (
Ah, looks like we got the sexy drunk type of girls tonight.
Thanks to jcosneverexisted and Fierce Wendigo for your submissions!
Artists Included:
jcosneverexisted (
Fierce Wendigo (
One last call for alcohol, so finish your whiskey or beer~