luna challenge coming up!

luna challenge coming up!
Pinkie seems to be on the clean up after discord detail. Probably not a bad idea for something to be set to that. Dash seems to just be doing some dusting. The only question is are those her feathers in the duster?
thanks to ampyu and pabbles for these cute pictures.
Artists Included:
Empyu (
Pabbles (
Lets see how everyone spent their spring cleaning. especially now that its nearly officially summer.
Send in that proof of everyones hard work. I hope you had fun with it.
Your chores can get the best of you sometimes so sometimes you just have to make a whole event out of cleaning up and that is this challenge. So grab some soap and water and get started.
That means you have 30 minutes to draw someone doing some cleaning then fifteen minutes to submit it to the inbox. Although just because the challenge is cleaning doesn’t mean the art has to be. *wink*
Twilight challenge is in an hour. See you all then.
I understand, time travel is hard! So getting refferences for the Gold Horseshoe Gals in their younger years just wasn’t possible for this challenge. That’s okay, there’s always next time!
The Cadance challenge for today is The Gold Horseshoe Gals! Specifically, when they were young!
We’ve seen their escapades and the fun they have as old ladies, but lets see their adventures from their younger years!
45 minutes to draw, 15 minutes to submit. And remember, what happens in Las Pegasus, STAYS in Las Pegasus!