Alright, test subjects! Time to submit your art. Single-file line, people. Most of you are civilized. Act like it.
Month: June 2018
Cave Johnson here. Look, I know you may not have been expecting me, but I have bad news and good news. The bad news is that our lawyers tell me that I can’t force you all to fight in an electrified tar pit for science. They’re telling me that it’s “illegal and unethical”. So until I can find a new set of lawyers with a looser sense of morality to replace them, they’re making me provide a drawing challenge for you to do. That was the good news.
So it looks like the Non-Pony Twilight Challenge this time is… Portal!
We here at Aperture Science pride ourselves with the invention of our Portal technology. To put it simply, you go in one hole, you come out the other. Now as much as I want you guys to get to testing, you guys have to get drawing first.
So, bust out your drawing apparatuses, because you have 30 minutes to draw something related to Portal, then we’ll allow a leisurely 15 minutes to have you all show what you made. If we like it, we’ll put it on the fridge and give you a gold star.
Just a reminder that a Non-Pony Twilight Challenge is coming in 1 hour!
Looks like the roller coasters were all broken, so no art for this challenge. Stick around for the next one when though, when things might be different!
Box is open!

The Cadance challenge for today is, Roller Coasters! EQG or pony, doodle up some stuff involving these awesome recreational machines!
45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit.
Cadance challenge in one hour!

Box is now closed!
No-one wanted Daisy to smash? Ah well, see you in the next challenge!

Box is open!
Submit your Daisy doodles!

Today’s Non-Pony Celestia Challenge is… Princess Daisy!
She started off in Super Mario Land, and then appeared in numerous Mario games, including golf, karting, tennis and party games. And now it’s announced that she’ll finally be joining Peach, Rosalina, and many others in the new Smash Bros Ultimate.
Draw anything you like with her! You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!