What would the cheer leading squad look like at Twilight’s School Of Friendship? That is today’s Cadance challenge! Who would be on it? What would the uniforms look like? What colors would they be? Would their routines incorporate things from other cultures, due to the very diverse student body?

45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. GIMME A G! GIMME AN O! GIMME A D! GIMME AN R! GIMME AN A! GIMME A W! WHAT’S THAT SPELL?


Today’s Celestia Challenge is Poker Face!!!

Sometimes your friends are being difficult, your students are diabolical, or you just have some other need to keep super serious. Not everypony is gifted with keeping their face from showing emotions. Draw somepony doing their best to stay super serious.

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!!

Today’s Luna Challenge is… COFFEE!!!
Nothing keeps your day going better than a good cup of joe! I don’t drink it but hey other peeps love this stuff. Actually I think I had this one s’mores flavoured cappuccino that was pretty kickin’- wait where was I? Oh right, Challenge stuff…

There’s 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun ya caffeine addicts