Month: June 2018
It’s Tea Time! Box is now open!

The Luna Challenge this time is… Tea!
Tea seems to be a pretty common beverage in Equestria, huh? These ponies sure love their tea parties…
You have 30 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit!
Serving up your Luna Challenge in 1 hour!

fluffy snuggles! how can you not love fluffy snuggles? And honestly I know why these two work so well together. Do you want to know? its cloths! They are the only ones you see constantly in clothing that isn’t some sort of battle armor.
Yeah I’m sure thats the the reason but still thanks to m0nster-c00kie for this fuzzy piece of art. see you all for luna later.
Artists Included:
m0nster-c00kie (
The great and snuggly trixie just loves having mauds strong arms wrapped around her. Something about that strong sturdy foundation in her life that she can just feel under her is appealing to her. After all whats not to love about someone who can support you physically and emotionally.
thanks to mpushomework for this piece of art. it looks so cute.
Artists Included:
mpushomework (
Inbox is closed
Let’s see what that duo has been up to shall we?
inbox is open

So time to show us what that duo has been up to.
Mauxie challenge

Maud and Trixie are a fairly popular ship so for today we are going to have that ship as the challenge. You can have their relationship be any dynamic or level that you like. Try to have fun with it.
So take 45 minutes to draw the duo and then 15 to send them into the inbox.
incoming twilight challenge

You have one hour until the challenge. I will see you then.