The Luna Challenge this time is… The Circus!

There’s nothing quite like a circus performance. The trained animals, the clowns, the tightrope walkers, the trapeze artists, the trampolines, the magicians, the strongmen, the motorcyclists going into a giant cage ball of death!

You have 45 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit!

Is dash starting a new career? I mean fluttershy almost was a model perhaps that awakened something in dash? Or maybe the changlings are getting into being paparazzi. I mean dash is an element of harmony and a wonder bolt.

Either way thanks to both besttubahorse and pabbles for their submissions.

Artists Included:

BestTubaHorse (
Pabbles (

camera challenge

Todays twilight challenge is camera based! no matter the type or the reason that picture and film making device is on center stage. And you don’t even need it to be picture perfect to go on.

So take 30 minutes to draw something related to cameras and then you will have 15 minutes to send it in. I mean if a picture is worth a thousand words that makes a camera the fastest author you could meet.