Let’s get ready to submit!

Let’s get ready to submit!
The Luna Challenge this time is… Cherry Blossom!
This pony bears a striking resemblance to Cheerilee, and that’s because they’re twin sisters!
Cherry Blossom goes by the masked wrester, the Mystery Mare!
30 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit!
Yeah, that’s fine. Technically you should wait for The Roundup, but it’s not something we fuss on if someone submits QD art during challenges.
You absolutely can use her for anything, she’s the blog’s mascot, Quick Draw, and was created by @atryl , so nobody quite owns her or anything really. Feel free to use her in challenges or just fan art or whatever it’s all good.
nothing better than a giant statue made out of sapphire. So big and delic….. i mean regal. Yes regal. We have no desire to eat it at all……. well maybe one tiny bite.
Anyway thanks to pabbles for this nice piece of art. see you all for luna.
Artists Included:
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com)
time to see those statues
I’m not feeling clever today so ill be basic. the inbox is open. you have 15 minutes. then we will show off what you submitted.
Statues are a form of art that not only can be ruined with a single mistake, but can be seen for centuries if cared for well enough…… or if they are actually alive and sealed in stone. either way though they are often very interesting to look at when you think of all the effort it took to make.
So take 45 minutes to draw a scene that has to do with statues then 15 minutes to send it into the inbox.
It is coming in an hour so we will see you all then ><