I guess it’s not a good day for a picnic. but we hope to see you for the Twilight challenge!

I guess it’s not a good day for a picnic. but we hope to see you for the Twilight challenge!
time to submit!
Today’s Cadance challenge is… Picnics!
When it’s a wonderful day, why not spend it outside with some friends at a picnic? What do ponies usually bring to their picnics?
You’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit
Cadance challenge coming up
We have some very dangerous looking ponies here. They both look prepared to defend Equestria to its end!
Thanks for participating, 32232232 and Omegapex. I hope you both had fun!!
We hope you will both join us back here later for more challenges!!
Artists Included:
32232232 (http://32232232.tumblr.com/)
Omegapex (http://omegasarting.tumblr.com)
The box is open! You have 15 minutes to submit your art!!
Today’s Celestia Challenge is Weapons!!!
Equestria kind of has a military, so they must have someway to fight. Fighting by hoof wouldn’t always be the most effective thing, so the guards often carry spears, mythical fighters carry axes and swords, and someponies use their powerful unicorn friends. What other weapons can ponies wield?
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!!
That’s some great sand work, girls!
Thanks to Zemer and Pabbles for your submissions!
See you all soon for another challenge!
Artists Included:
Zemer (http://zemer-art.tumblr.com)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com)
We do have one NSFW submission, but as per usual tumblr rules, it’s up on derpibooru under the ‘30 minute art challenge’ tag.
I will say that sand is coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
Thanks for your submission though, jcosneverexisted!