Month: July 2018
Today’s Cadance Challenge is…. Giant Pony / Ponies!
Can be any pony, not just Bonbon :3 Belles, Apples, and so on are all welcome.
Why are they giant? What are they doing as a giant? All these and more may be answered by yooooooou.
You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
See you in an hour for the next challenge!
This is my first time submitting, im sorry if i did it wrong!!!
No worries, these things happen. Sorry I found it just now.
Nice apple horse pic :3 and thanks for participating.
In the future try to submit to alright?
Ready to conjure up some dark magic, darling?
Thanks for participating, BestTubaHorse and LockeZero!
Be sure to come back for more… if you dare!
Artists Included:
BestTubaHorse (
LockeZero (
Box is now closed!
Time to look at these submissions!
Box is open!
Time to submit!

Today’s Celestia Challenge is…. Evil Rarity?!
An interesting book of magic has possessed our favourite fashion designer, and her inspiration has gone a little off-the-wall. Is this only the beginning? What crazy, sinister plans will she do next?
You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!
See you in 60-minutes for the Celestia Challenge!
Welp, she’s wreaking havoc now, and that’s completely out of our hands…
Thanks to both Pinkiecorn the Destroyer and Pabbles for your submissions!
See you all soon for anoth-
Wait what was that first submitter’s name again?
Oh…oh dear…
Uh…See you all soon for another challenge!
Artists Included:
Pinkiecorn the Destroyer (http://)
Pabbles (