Box is open!

The Luna Challenge this time is… Autumn Blaze!
Eh, might as well close out fall with some Autumn. What a very, very talkative Kirin, this one is.
You have 30 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit!
Such a nice variety of outfits from what I can tell. That said I think spike and bonbon were feeling a bit like wtf on this all.
Thanks to the group of people who submitted and see you all for luna.
Artists Included:
Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/)
MasterofRoku (http://masterofroku.tumblr.com)
Time to see what everyone put together.
You have 15 minutes to send it into the inbox then we will show what was sent in.
Todays theme is any of the mlp characters (non equestria girls) as furries. With how many outfits there are that are animal like and how much like people the characters are I doubt that it is unheard of for there to be furrys out there. Although im not sure if they would be more or less common.
So take 30 minutes to draw a character indulging in their furry side then 15 minutes to send them into the inbox.
See you in an hour.
Two very memorable scenes indeed!
Gilded_Dragon, LockeZero, thank you so much for taking part in today’s Cadance challenge! Hope you two had fun, and we hope you’ll join us again soon for another challenge!
Artists Included:
LockeZero (http://lockezero.tumblr.com)
Gilded_Dragon (http://golddragon725.tumblr.com/)
Today’s Cadance challenge is, Memorable scenes from the show! Now, if the scene you choose contains multiple ponies, you don’t have to really try very hard ifat all to draw the background. But if your scene contains a single pony, you gotta try to draw the background, even if you do it poorly.
45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit.