Today’s Celestia Challenge is…. Cutie Swapped!

It’s happened again. A magic spell has cause everyone’s Cutie Marks to swap around. Meaning, everypony is trying to do tasks they’re not very good at. So like, anyone with Rainbow Dash’s mark tries to fix the weather, anyone with Rarity’s has to try and make dresses, etc, etc.

File:Rarity with Rainbow Dash's cutie mark S03E13.png

File:The Main 5 singing S3E13.png

File:Rainbow Dash with Fluttershy's cutie mark S03E13.png

File:Applejack singing "my destiny" S03E13.png

It doesn’t have to be the Mane Six, so pick anypony you like and see how they do with a Cutie Mark Swapped.

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!


Given how hard she works, this is an exceptionally reasonable way for Applejack to spend her free time!

Thank for so much for taking part in today’s Twilight challenge Empyu! We love having you participate, and we hope to see you again soon for more challenges!

Artist: Empyu (