Month: June 2019
The Luna Challenge this time is… Blindfolds!
…Wait how do most of them tie the back if they have hooves?
You have 30 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit!
Looks like discord isn’t quite himself at the moment, but can we really be sure that he is every truely himself or is wearing his favorite mask and nothing more?
Thanks to everyone for their art of this bit of chaos. And see you all next time.
Pabbles (
xbi (
Inbox is closed
Time to see what sort of things discords been up to.
Inbox is open
Alright the inbox is open. You got 15 minutes to take your arts and send it into the inbox here.
Discords challenge. (not the messenger app)
Oh dear me it seems like it’s time for me to be the challenge. I’m sure twilight doesn’t mind if I take over just this one. After all it’s all in the name of sharing or friendship or something like that I am sure. I mean it’s probably in one of her books she loves so much.
Regardless this challenge is the great me! From the tip of my horn, or antler to the top of my lovely hoof I am your target of artistic delight. So just pick my good side and draw something a bit wild. Oh who am i kidding I’m nothing but good sides, although I might suggest the outside for this art.
If I am thinking right you get something like a half an hour to draw me up then 15 minutes to send the art in. But that seems so boring. I think I’ll adjust that a bit when the time comes. Maybe an extra minute or two just so its not to round and boring. Honestly, how do you manage all this fifteen thirty and forty five minute stuff?
Twilight challenge
See you all in an hour for the next challenge.
Box Is Open!
Just 15 minutes to get them lizards in!
Here There Be Dragons
Draw any combo of our 3 primary dragons! That is to say, at least two of Spike, Ember, and Smoulder!
45 Minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit!
Sorry for the delay, my power flickered out on me literally five times in the past 15 minutes or so! THRILLING.