time to submit!
Month: June 2019
tonight’s challenge is…rubber ducks!
a common item seen when taking a bath, it’s hard to find someone who hasn’t seen a rubber duck! Who in Equestria likes rubber ducks? Are they racing them? Playing with them in the tub? Or has some crazy experiment turned them into one?
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
Wholesome Ones Now!
What a sweet couple. Even if Holiday sometimes feeds the side of Lofty’s face while she talks about her quilting.
Thanks for participating everyone! Hope ya had fun~
We’ll see you later for the Luna! Bye for now!
Well it was bound to happen. Probably.
It was too much gay energy for this to be avoided I suppose.
Just 15 Minutes!
Then the gay will appear!
Gimmie Them Gay Aunts
Just give ’em. Fork ’em over. I know you got some.
Holiday and Lofty are today’s Luna Challenge, if that wasn’t clear. Can be doin’ anything, even spending some time with their niece!
You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
Just 30 Minutes Until The Next Challenge!
Looks like aj and dash are having a bit of fun. well at least one of them are having fun. I wonder what AJ had to do say or…… hold over dash to get her to dress up like that. On top of that do you think rarity makes cosplay or was it someone else?
Thanks to pabbles for this piece of art and see you all next time.
Inbox is closed
Time to see what we found in the box this time.
Inbox is open
Inbox is open. You got 15 minutes to go here and send in that art.