Today’s Cadance challenge is…Charging up!

Those magic users really gotta take a second or two to power up for that really really strong spell, so let’s see some of ’em getting ready to unleash those super spells!

30 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Drawing is kinda like charging up a spell, too! It takes a bit to get the thing finished!

Tonight’s Luna Challenge is Sleep Deprivation!! 

Who needs sleep when you have things to do. There are so many jobs that have to get done theres no time to rest! I’m sure everypony will be fine tomorrow and not pass out at work or anything like that. 

What kind of things would a pony be up to that would make them stay up all night?


You have 30 minutes to draw, then 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!

Kerfuffle’s a very well rounded mare

Thanks for the submissions, everyone, hope you had fun! We’ll see you again for the Luna challenge

Artists Featured:

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