
Image result for mrs. hoofington

Image result for mrs. hoofington

Image result for mrs. hoofington

Today’s  Twilight challenge be the Hoofingtons! As long as you draw one of them you’re good, but feel free to draw both or to draw them with other characters or whatever floats your boat!

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

Todya’s Cadance challenge is…lawnmower repair/care!

We’ve seen that the ponies mow their lawns with push mowers, so it’s not that big a stretch to assume they probably have self propelled and riding mowers too! And with all of these contraptions, they will require maintenance and eventual repair. SO, let’s see what that looks like!

45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit!

Today’s non-pony challenge is Star Trek!! 



Space. The final frontier. Some of the best explorers will one day venture through as much of it as possible, but for now we have to settle for some shows exploring the wide variety of life an strange things throughout the universe. 

Draw anything Star Trek related from whatever series you best like!


You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!

Power puff girls

Todays non pony twilight challenge is the power puff girls. I remember this series having some of the more funny villains at times. And some who people love even to this day like mojo jojo and him.

So take the next 30 minutes to draw something out and then 15 to send it into the inbox. Then we can see if the day was saved.