Month: October 2019
Today’s Cadance Challenge is…
Biggle Twiggles! The final form of our purple princess, duchess of dorks.
What more is there to say? Gotta art that, right? Jokes, lewds, all them tears, et cetera.
You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! have fun~
See You In 55 Minutes For Challenge!
Today’s Non-pony Twilight challenge is…Moon’s Haunted!
The meme’s been around for a long time, but with the Shadowkeep expansion of Destiny 2, it’s been brought back up in a big way, even being part of their marketing campaign!
Anyway, so, the moon’s haunted…so what are you gonna do about it? Know anybody who can help? Got somebody to call? Maybe know a friendly ghost to help you out? Maybe talk to someone with first-hoof experience from years spent on the moon? Whatever you want really!
45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit!
Spyro, for all his ferociousness, he can also be adorable.
Thanks for the submission, OsakaOji, hope you had fun. We’ll see everyone for the Twilight challenge!
Artist Featured:
OsakaOji (
box is open
time to submit!
today’s non pony cadance challenge is…Spyro the Dragon!
This little dragon packs a big punch, it’d be unwise to underestimate him! Spyro’s made quite a few friends and even more enemies over the years. but no matter what, he’s always up to torch some baddies!
you’ve got 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
1 hour reminder
Cadance challenge coming up
Won’t it, though?
Thanks for your submission, Pabbles!
See you all soon for another challenge!
Artists Included:
Pabbles (