Twilight challenge coming up
Twilight challenge coming up
Just don’t choke, eh? 15 minutes~
Abyssinians! Diamond Dogs! Living Together! Mass Hysteria!
In other words draw you a dog dude and cat dude. Or dudettes. How they get along, or don’t, and what they’re doing, is up to you!
Feel free to make your own and to be liberal in your interpretations, that seems to be the standard for these races as far as I know!
You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
I guess Chrysalis won’t be showing up tonight. We hope to see you all for the Luna challenge.
time to submit!
After absorbing the magic of the real Grogar, Chrysalis transformed into something much more powerful. She gained armor and a crazy magic boost. Interestingly enough, the armor here looks similar to her armor from the comics.
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
twilight challenge coming up!
Griffon technique comin’ at ya!
Derpy though is just playing with her friends. Obviously. They don’t even have holes! Silly bugs.
Thanks for participating Osaka and Xbi! Hope ya had fun!
We’ll see ya later for more stuff! Bye for now~
No pencil stabs! Too brutal! Just 15 minutes to submit that art~