Today’s Luna Challenge is…

Stick Ponies! Or other MLP creatures if you prefer. Simple lil’ boogers, but fun and cute, right?

Right now you can get your creation in Roundtrip’s in a nutshell series, so if you haven’t and would like to… now’s the time! Submissions end in like… an hour.

And in part due to simplicity and in part due to limited time we’re making this a 15 minute challenge! 15 to create and 15 to submit!

Here’s the video about it if you wanna watch it and haven’t!


This sure gives the saying, ” let’s eat Rainbow Dash “, a whole new meaning!

Thanks for doodling up such a tasty treat for us tonight, Pabbles! Hope you’re as eager as we are for more challenges!

Artist: Pabbley (

nsfw entry

Bori’s giving a special gift, she knew how to make it perfect~

Thanks for the submission, Pabbley, hope you had fun, we’ll see everyone for the Luna challenge!

Artist Featured:

Pabbley (