Month: May 2020
The Cadence Challenge this time is… Awards!
Something something “you tried” star.
30 minutes to draw, 15 to submit!
The Luna challenge today is…Rap!
It’s been around since the 80’s, has like a million variant styles, has been parodied and referenced more times than i can count! you know what it looks and sounds like, so lets see what y’all can come up with!
30 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Have fun!
Inbox is closed
So lets take a look and compare it to the shopping list.
Inbox is open
You now have 15 minutes to send in the art to the inbox. Just take a trip here to do so.
Everyone goes shopping sometimes. Be it for food, clothing, presents, or many other possible things. This challenge is all about that daily activity.
So take 30 minutes to draw something up then 15 minutes to send it into the inbox.
Twilight challenge
Be back in an hour for the twilight challenge.
Box is open!
Today’s Cadence Challenge is….
moms and their children!
a special bond on this very special day; aunts, grandmas and big sisters always welcome! you’ve got 30 minutes!