Coco and Derpy

A fashion pony and everyones favorite mail mare are todays twilight challenge. How well do they get along? what would they do if they met? So many questions that you could answer here with a single picture of the duo.

So take 45 minutes to draw something up then 15 minutes to send it in. And as always have fun.







Careful, Trix, you might get too attached to yourself.

Thanks for your submission, Pabbles!

See you all soon for another challenge!

Artist Featured:

Pabbles (







Molly can’t enjoy her day until her cup’s full

Thanks for delivering the big sexy, Sunny Sidde-Down!

See you all soon for another challenge!

Artist Featured:

Sunny Sidde-Down (

Despite the unorthodox approach to mane styling, Zephyr seems to have a steady clientele!

thanks for the submissions, hope you had fun! We’ll see everyone again for the next challenge!

Artists Featured:

Sunny Sidde-Down (
Pabbles (