Soarin and Lotus challenge

Todays twilight challenge is the duo soarin the wonderbolt and lotus the spa pony. I can’t remember them ever meeting, but that never stopped a random pairing challenge before. After all i bet all the wonderbolts love a good massage sometimes to help work out their sore muscles.

So take 45 minutes to draw something up with this pair then 15 minutes to send it into the inbox.

Having a time making this on mobile, sorry for lower quality and lateness.

We’ll just be focusing on Twilight… but TALL. Probably a princess, idk, optional there.

45 to create followed by 15 to submit!


Sometimes you bite off more than you can chew and that seems to be the case with twilight here. The poor horse should have known that you can only eat things smaller than your mouth.

Thank you to Pabbley ( for this piece and see you all next time.