writing challenge

Regardless of if you use your magic, mouth, claws, or hands to do it or what it’s for, writing is a very common thing in life. So todays challenge is to take a character and have them do some writing.

You’ll get 30 minutes to do it and then 15 to turn it in. And as always have fun with it.

Today’s Twilight Challenge is…

What A Cartoon! Show Episode Guide -Hanna-Barbera -Alternate: The Cartoon  Cartoon Show | Big Cartoon DataBase

Cartoons MLP Characters would watch! Be they our cartoons or ones you think would be unique to them in their MLP world!

To make it extra challenging… this will be a HARD MODE challenge! We haven’t had one of those in awhile!

So! 15 minutes to create and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

Remember, it’s okay for things not to be perfect!