Injury challenge

Injuries can happen anywhere without you planning. Trip and fall, something not going how its planned, slipping on some ice and more other things than you can count. And of course it can be a small scrape or something where you can’t hardly move.

So take the next 30 minutes to draw something related to an injury and 15 minutes for the art to be submitted. And try not to hurt yourself in the process.

Looks like sweetie belle is here to save the day. The only question is she one of the planet scouts or the moon? I imagine that would mean she is close to luna.

Thank you to m0nster-c00kie ( for this cute piece and see you for luna.

Sailor scout challenge

Todays non pony challenge is the sailor scouts. Be they inner, outter, or some other form of senshi take your pick and draw one of them. And yes pluto counts because this was while she was still a planet. Or is that why they banished her?

Either way you got 30 minutes to draw something out then 15 minutes to send it into the inbox.