Twilights in an hour. See you all then.
Author: maudyoulook
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Time to see what came in.
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You now got 15 minutes to go here and send in that art.
Braces challenge
Todays twilight challenge is braces and well what is there to say about them? a little metal in your mouth to get your teeth tightened together.
So take 30 minutes to draw something up and 15 minutes to send it in.
twilight challenge
Come on back in an hour to see the challenge
Seems someone is enjoying a bit of attention that she is getting. The only question is who from and who helped her getting in style?
Thanks to Pabbley ( for this art and see you next time.
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Time to see what came in.
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You now have 15 minutes to go here and send in that art.
Flower challenge
Todays twilight challenge is flowers. They look nice they smell nice they can be used for decoration, potpourri and fashion. They are a very diverse tool to have in your life. and of course for ponies they make a tasty sandwich.
So take 30 minutes to draw something up then 15 minutes to send it in. And as always have fun with it.
twilight challenge
Be back here in an hour to see what it is.