Diamond tiara and Cozy glow.

Todays twilight challenge is a duo of antagonists. Sure one was a very mild one and the other ended up becoming a statue, but still. A pair of young ponies who had some big changes in their life because of how they acted. One for the better one for the worse. The big question is how would things have gone if they had become friends? met each other? hated each other? whatever.

So take the next 45 minutes to draw something with this duo then you get 15 to send it in. Also this doesn’t stop the 24 hour challenge its just a usual twilight one.


Seems like someone forgot how to properly fly a kite. I just hope she had someone to grab the other end of it to keep her from flying off.

Thank you to Pabbley (https://twitter.com/pabbley) for this art and see you next time.

Kite challenge

Todays twilight challenge is *shifty eyes* kites. Yes that toy that seems to be in so many shows, but for the life of me i’m unsure if I’ve ever seen anyone use in real life. Maybe its a regional thing I dunno, but thats the challenge. Trick kites, flight kites, kites getting stuck in trees. The tropes are there but feel free to try something new.

So take 30 minutes to draw something up then 15 minutes to send it in.