Coco and Derpy

A fashion pony and everyones favorite mail mare are todays twilight challenge. How well do they get along? what would they do if they met? So many questions that you could answer here with a single picture of the duo.

So take 45 minutes to draw something up then 15 minutes to send it in. And as always have fun.

twist challenge

Todays twilight challenge is twist. Appleblooms long time friend who seems to have been cast aside when she made new friends. I mean am I wrong or did you never see twist with her again after that? In fact if im thinking right it seems she spent time with diamond and silver after that. What has she been up to?

So you got 30 minutes to draw something up about twist then send it into the inbox over the next fifteen minutes.

Pinky and the brain

Things only adults notice in Pinky and the BrainPinky & the Brain to Return Says Animaniacs Voice Actor Rob Paulsen | Bleeding FoolPinky and the Brain... and Larry (1997) - The Internet Animation Database

With animaniacs returning soon who would want to forget pinky and the brain. yes pinky and the brain. one is a genius the others insane. their labratory mice. their genes have been splice. they’re dinky they’re pinkie and the brain brain brain brain brain. to prove their mousy worth they’ll overthrow the earth.

So before they get the chance take 45 minutes to draw the duo up to something then 15 minutes to send it in.