
How can you say no to those tasty treats? I mean you might say “raisins are you crazy?” but you can’t really say no to a tasty cookie. So thats the challenge have some fun and make something with this delicious treat that you can show the world.

You get 30 minutes to draw something up then 15 minutes to send it in at which point I’ll eat them and….. nevermind that. Just remembers to send milk.

Seems like someone is having a good time even if applejack doesn’t seem to be as into it as the other girls are. Of course the rings on his cock make me wonder if this is a deep throat contest? either way I think the guys more of a winner here than any of the girls.


Thanks to Sunny Sidde-Down ( and thanks for submitting and of feel free to come back next time.

Celestia sure knows how to work with make up to still like proper and regal. Of course with her centuries of life she has had plenty of time to get it down very well. Dashie on the other hand well if that collar and heart eyes are any indication someone else likes seeing her going from rowdy to cutesy in ten seconds flat.

Thanks to Empyu ( and
Pabbles ( for their submissions and i hope to see you both again.

makeup challenge

Todays challenge is make up. So I know we don’t have anyone use it very often, but hey you can add a bit of flair with make up to show a bit of your style fashion and more to the world of equestria. After all in a world where most people dont wear clothes your face can be where you most express yourself.

So take 30 minutes to draw something up then 15 minutes to send it in.