Lets see what we found shall we?
Author: maudyoulook
Inbox is open
You all know what that means. you get 15 minutes to send in the art here and show us how well you did.
bobs burgers
Todays non pony challenge is bobs burgers. the family who works together stays together or something like that right? well either way you got a close family who isn’t what you would call boring. Then again not exactly boring life in general.
So take 30 minutes to draw something up then 15 minutes to send it in.
Twilight challenge
Be back in an hour to see what challenge twilight gifts us with.
Inbox is closed
Lets see what came in.
Inbox is open
You now got 15 minutes to take a trip here and send in that arts.
Spelunking challenge
Todays challenge is spelunking or cave exploration depending on how technical you want to talk about it. So take somepony you like and give them a cave to explore and boom that’s the challenge.
So take 30 minutes and draw something up then 15 minutes to send in that art.
Twilight challenge
Be here in an hour for the next challenge.
Inbox is closed
Time to see what those girls are up to.
Inbox is open
You now got 15 minutes to take a trip to our inbox and send in that art.