Come back in an hour to see which challenge it is.
Author: maudyoulook
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Lets see what came in shall we?
Inbox is open
The last minute ticked away so now you got 15 minutes to go here and send your art into the inbox.
Dress challenge
Todays challenge for the twilight time is dresses. They come in great sizes and shapes, colors and styles and a lot more. So you get…. well lets say 45 minutes to draw something up then 15 minutes to send it into the inbox.
Twilight challenge
Hey all. It’s almost time for my twilight challenge. If you can be back in an hour I’ll have a challenge for you to try out.
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Time to see what came in.
Inbox is open
Inbox is open. You have 15 minutes to send in that art and then we can show off what was made. To submit just send your art here.
One punch challenge
Todays non pony twilight challenge is the caped baldy and the rest of his show. Sure it started out as a web comic with dramatically different art, but now it is a well known manga and anime about a top tier combatant and a wide variety of secondary and tertiary characters.
So take 30 minutes and draw up anyone you like from the show and send it into the inbox which will be open for 15 minutes.
Twilight challenge
Be here in an hour to discover what the challenge is.
Inbox is closed
Time to see what came in today.