garble and trixie

A duo of characters who, unless i forgot something, have never met. That doesn’t mean you can’t have fun imagining what if they met? how would it go? what would happen? This is your chance to do just that.

So take 45 minutes and draw anything you like related to this pair then you get 15 minutes to send it in to the inbox.


Everyone goes shopping sometimes. Be it for food, clothing, presents, or many other possible things. This challenge is all about that daily activity.

So take 30 minutes to draw something up then 15 minutes to send it into the inbox.

Princess Celestia and Rockhoof

Todays twilight challenge is a sort of crack ship theme. This time between celestia and rock hoof. How would these two be when they spend time together? Would the be occasionally or constantly visiting each other? only business or fun too? would they get along or also kind of have a lot of conflicts?

Take 45 minutes to draw something up and then you get 15 minutes to send something in.