We aren’t late yet. It’s not for an hour. Anyway see you back here in an hour.
Author: maudyoulook
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Lets see how the girls have been.
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The inbox is now open. You got 15 minutes to go here and send in that art to our inbox.
Power puff girls
Todays non pony twilight challenge is the power puff girls. I remember this series having some of the more funny villains at times. And some who people love even to this day like mojo jojo and him.
So take the next 30 minutes to draw something out and then 15 to send it into the inbox. Then we can see if the day was saved.
Non pony twilight
Don’t look so offended twilight it’s only once a week we do non ponies. Anyway see you all in an hour.
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Lets see what sorta treasures we find.
Inbox is open
Time to see what sort of treasure we get in the hoard. you got 15 minutes to send it into the inbox.
treasure challenge
Todays twilight challenge is treasure! it can take many forms. All that matters is it is something that is wanted by the one who has it.
So take 30 minutes to draw someone with their treasure then 15 minutes to send it into the inbox.
twilight challenge
See you all in an hour.
Twilight is like one of those hungry hungry hippos from the game. Just paint the marbles like a hayburger and then you have a game all the children would love.
Thank you to Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/) for this submission.