Pikachu challenge

Todays challenge is pikachu! I don’t think i have to say why I picked this theme, but thats what it is. This non pony challenge is the lightning mouse.

So enjoy drawing one for 30 minutes before taking 15 minutes to send it into the inbox.

Someone must have some special gear or ranks in damage because a gun shouldn’t do that much damage to a tank. that said you do know why she has a watch on right? To know when its destruction time. And when is destruction time? Doom o clock.

Thanks to Pabbles (https://twitter.com/pabbley) for this intense piece of art and see you for luna.

Destruction challenge

Sure making stuff can be great and provide you with something nice after, but lets be honest sometimes it is just nice to break something. Heck I think i read about a place once that you pay and you just break stuff and they clean it up after and provide the stuff, but thats off topic.

For this challenge you can have 45 minutes of time to draw someone breaking, destroying, or ruining something depending on what term you prefer. Then you get 15 minutes to send it into the inbox.