Pony mannequin fashion

Todays challenge is using mannequins to help creat fashion. The great tool that lets you have a better idea of how it will look when worn. An all-around great tool for a seamstress. So that’s the theme of todays luna challenge

take 45 minutes to draw someone utilizing this sort of tool and then 15 to send it into the inbox. and as always have fun.

Tail pulling

Todays Cadance challenge is tail pulling. I’m not sure of a pun or joke to go here so i’ll just pull something together. Regardless todays challenge is all about someone pulling on a tail/having their tail pulled.

You will have 45 minutes to draw something up then 15 minutes to send it into the inbox.

Flower challenge

Todays theme is all about flowers. A little feeling of spring in the winter. Regardless todays theme involves flowers and you can do so in anyway that you desire. The only requirement is that there be at least one flower in some way shape or form.

So take 30 minutes to draw something up and 15 to send it to the inbox.

Today’s Non Pony Celestia Challenge is…

Image result for Digimon

Related image

Image result for Digimon Frontier


You know, those not Pokemon guys. (Seriously, their shows were a lot better!)

Draw up your favorite Digicritters, tamers, et cetera, or make your own…. because why not, eh? You can even do some ponying if you can fit it in there!

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

(Also, in case it did not reach you, the box did not open for last night’s Luna Challenge and I apologize for that, it was an oversight on my part. Because of that we are still taking submissions for that challenge if you like.)