The Luna challenge tonight is….Ponies With Sniper Rifles!

Be it with just a simple rifle or dressed as a famous character who uses them, actively using it, that is the task i have set for you tonight!

30 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Aim for the target, and blast it with your art!



Woo! That’s a Mjolnir armored pegasus pony that is! Wielding an MA5D, Standard issue UNSC assault rifle. Awesome!

Thanks so much for taking time away from playing Halo Reach to draw some Halo stuff for this challenge, Pabbles! Hope the next time a challenge pops up that you like, it won’t tear you away from something else you also wanna do!

Artist:Pabbley (

Today’s Luna challenge is…Halo Reach Ponies!

Halo Reach was just re-released for the Halo Master Chief Collection on xbox on the 3rd of this month! It had and still has the largest and most varied armor customization of the entire series, so tons of armor variety!

So, make your own Reach pony in cool armor! Whoever you like, be they canon or OC, and make them an awesome space cyborg warrior!

45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. To victory!
