Someone is ready for a music video. An outfit that pops for a girl who rocks. And that hair? so much effort to make it look great.
Thanks to sweety for just beating the clock and see you all at luna.
Someone is ready for a music video. An outfit that pops for a girl who rocks. And that hair? so much effort to make it look great.
Thanks to sweety for just beating the clock and see you all at luna.
Either Smoozie has captured somepony or they are trying something new. Either way, Smooze seemse to be having fun!
Thanks for the art, Pabbles. Hope you had fun!
And we hope you and many more will join us later for more challenges!!
Artists Included:
Pabbles (
Here we see the naturalist in her natural environment. You can see she has adapted to be very tall to spot animals from a great distance. Fascinating creature.
Thanks for participating, Pabbles. I hope you enjoyed.
Hope you and many more will be back later for more challenges!!
Artists Included:
Pabbles (
Perfect, now Pinkie can give pets to Gummy from anywhere in Equestria!
Thanks for your submission, Pabbles!
See you all soon for another challenge!
Artists Included:
Pabbles (
What a sweet couple. Even if Holiday sometimes feeds the side of Lofty’s face while she talks about her quilting.
Thanks for participating everyone! Hope ya had fun~
We’ll see you later for the Luna! Bye for now!
Looks like aj and dash are having a bit of fun. well at least one of them are having fun. I wonder what AJ had to do say or…… hold over dash to get her to dress up like that. On top of that do you think rarity makes cosplay or was it someone else?
Thanks to pabbles for this piece of art and see you all next time.
Well, they do all contain Pizza! And who am I to judge who get to enjoy pizza? Also, any topping that you like is a valid topping for you, and don’t let anyone tell you different! Just, if you’re getting pizza for a group to share, don’t make it all the one thing you may like that you know few other people like, okay? Tiny bit of words of wisdom there.
Thanks so much for participating in this challenge tonight my friends! SO glad you decided to join us, and we can’t wait to see you all again soon!
Dronehunter19 ( )
Pabbles (
xbi (
The snack food of choice for most people and ponies! So let’s see how you decide to present it to us tonight!
45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit.
Dashie, you either stole an entire barrel of cider, or you paid for an entire barrel of cider and they let you.
Neither option is particularly better than the other, here…
Thanks for your submission, Pabbles!
See you all soon for another challenge!
Artists Included:
Pabbles (
Oh my, looks like Rose made Lily all sticky….
Thanks for participating Pabbles! Hope ya had fun!
We’ll see everyone later for the Luna! Bye for now~