Luna challenge coming up!
Category: Uncategorized
Today’s Twilight Challenge is…
Pinkie goes on a diet! What kind? How successful is it? What does it do to her lil’ mind? Up to you my friend!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
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Time to see if anything showed up between the pair.
Inbox is open
You now got 15 minutes to go here and send in that art.
scootaloo and tempest shadow challenge
Todays challenge is a duo of ponies. Tempest shadow from the movie and scootaloo from the crusaders. I think this could be an interesting duo because of the way they both have a hardship many of their race don’t.
Tempest has struggles with her magic due to her horn being harmed and scootaloo doesn’t seem to be able to fly.
So take 45 minutes to draw something related to this duo then 15 minutes to send it in.
twilight challenge
see you at the top of the hour.
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Time to see how the fused pony is doing.
Inbox is open
You now got 15 minutes to go here and send in that art
Fusion pony Amber Pie
Todays twilight challenge comes from the mlp fusion ask for the fusion known as Amber Pie. This pony is a pegasus mare with a special talent for fossils, the animals of the past.
So take 30 minutes to draw something up with this fused pony then take 15 minutes to send it in.
non canon sources here and here and mlp fusion tumblr is here.
box is closed, no submissions
looks like no one won the lotto, better luck next time. We’ll see everyone for the next challenge