Be here in an hour to see the challenge
Category: Uncategorized
Not too much longer! Get those arts in~
Inbox is “closed”
in the metaphorical sense. Since i couldn’t open it i can’t close it, but since nothing was submitted thats all for this twilight challenge!
Inbox is “open”
Well this is normally where I would say it’s open but there is trouble with the sight so go ahead and post it in the critique part of discord with your information. name and twitter or whatever. you got 15 minutes.
Pride challenge
Sometimes someone has pride in others they are close to, sometimes it’s pride in themselves or maybe even feel pride in something that has been accomplished. Sometimes it is deserved and sometimes not, but im sure everyone has felt pride at some point in their life.
So take 30 minutes to draw someone being proud then 15 minutes to send it into the inbox.
Twilight challenge
Come back at the top of the hour.
box is closed, no submissions
Looks like the cutie marks didn’t swap after all. We’ll see everyone for the next challenge
box is open
time to submit!
today’s Twilight challenge is…Cutie Mark Swapping!
Is it a spell gone wrong? Some kind of curse? A new strain of cutie pox? No matter the cause, cutie marks are now swapped! How are ponies dealing with their new talents? Could the marks have found their way onto creatures that can’t usually have a cutie mark?
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
The Luna challenge is…The Heroes of Future Equestria!
We know the mane six are heroes, and that at least Celestia is, but who else? Are the Pillars of Harmony still revered? What about the Student Six, who seem to have gone on to do great things!? And what of the Power Ponies? Has their comic line ended in the world of gen 5? Or are there new heroes that have cropped up in the intervening years?
You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. Have fun!
Artist for middle two images:
Artist for bottom image: