be back in an hour.
Category: Uncategorized
Box is open!
Box open!
no submissions for Nightmare Moon
seems she’s going to remain a memory for now. We hope to see you for the next challenge. And don’t forget that the lunar new year challenge is still going!
tonight’s Luna challenge is…nightmare moon
The true ruler of the night! Trapped in the moon for 1000 years, she’s back to wreak havoc on the world! What sort of deed is she doing?
you’ve got 3o minutes to draw and 15 to submit, also you can submit art for the lunar new year challenge as well!
1 hour reminder
luna challenge coming up
box is closed, no submissions
looks like nobody’s riding the coasters today. We hope to see you all for the next challenge
today’s theme is…Ponies on rollercoasters!
High speeds, corkscrews, giant loops! What’s not to like about rollercoasters? Equestria must have some crazy ones too we’ve seen one in Las Pegasus, but what are some of the other rollercoasters like there and who loves to ride them?
you’ve got 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
35 minute reminder
twilight challenge coming up
Inbox is closed
Lets see if we find any gold to enjoy.