You now got 15 minutes to go here and send in that art.
Category: Uncategorized
kim possible
Todays non pony twilight challenge is kim possible. If I am thinking right the popularity of the show made disney go against their rule of limiting the number of episodes of a show no matter how popular because of how popular it was with how many people demanded more.
You got the basic average girl who saves the world and her sidekick with his naked mole rat. A lot of different villains and more
So take 30 minutes to draw someone up from the show then 15 minutes to send it in.
Twilight challenge.
be here in an hour to see the next challenge.
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guess Svengallop is still searching for his next break. We’ll see everyone for the next challenge.
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today’s twilight challenge is…Svengallop
Countess Coloratura’s former manager, he would use her fame to boost his own status. Once he was found out, he was fired from her staff. What’s he been up to since then? Has he seen the errors of his ways or has he gotten worse?
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
50 minute reminder
twilight challenge coming up
The Luna Challenge this time is…Popcorn!
Dis gon be gud.
30 minutes to draw, 15 to submit!
Filthy’s posing for a company photo I bet!
Thanks for the submission, Empyu. Hope you had fun, we’ll see everyone for the next challenge!
Artist Featured:
Empyu (
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