The Dazzlings!
What better way to prepare for the new year than with some DAZZLE!
You’ve got 45 minutes to draw one or more of these goofs followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
The Dazzlings!
What better way to prepare for the new year than with some DAZZLE!
You’ve got 45 minutes to draw one or more of these goofs followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
time to submit!
Ogres & Oubliettes is quite popular in Equestria, similar to our world’s equivalent, Dungeons and Dragons. Thanks to Discord’s magic, the game is real! So who’s playing tonight? What class will they choose, how do they play? Or perhaps they’re the dungeon master, setting up all the traps and monsters to watch the others in amusement.
either way, you’ve got 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
Luna challenge coming up!
Lets check to see what came in.
You now got 15 minutes to go here and send in that art.
Sometimes when your life is a little wibbly wobbly timey wimey you meet people before you met them or is it that met you only after you knew them for years? either way this challenge is a random duo of silver spoons and doctor whooves.
So for this challenge you get 45 minutes to draw them up to something or whatever. Then fifteen minutes to send it in. So just have fun and if you feel stuck just scream out Allonsy!
Be back in an hour to see what the twilight challenge is.
You’ve got 15 minutes to submit!