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guess the diamond dogs will show up another day. we hope to see you all for the next challenge
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time to submit
tonight’s Luna challenge is…Diamond Dogs!
They showed up way back in season 1, unfortunately we never saw them much after. You think they ever reconciled with the ponies? Perhaps a diamond dog eventually went to the school of friendship? What exactly are the diamond dogs up to tonight?
you’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
1 hour reminder
Luna challenge coming up
Box is open!
Face the bunny!
The Luna challenge is…Ponies in a technological future!
Cyberpunk, Mecha, Interstellar, any kind of technological future works for this challenge!
You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. Have fun!
Artists: ( itsdreamchan )
15 minutes or you owe me a peetzer!
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Lets see if the smooze was able to schmooze.
Inbox is open
You now got 15 minutes to go here and send in that art.