We got one NSFW submission as well, thanks to L4RSINATOR!
Artists Included:
L4RSINATOR (http://l4nsfw.tumblr.com/)
We got one NSFW submission as well, thanks to L4RSINATOR!
Artists Included:
L4RSINATOR (http://l4nsfw.tumblr.com/)
Skiing always does look like fun! Here’s our SFW entries, thanks to all who participated!
Artists Included:
Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/)
Jaybeem (http://jaybeaniemags.deviantart.com)
JonFawkes (http://jonfawkes.tumblr.com/)
This one got submitted directly to our inbox somehow.
Not all our mods have access to that these days. Upgraded security through our current submission method and all that.
Meaning they can’t see when you do this.
In the future please make sure to use only our submitter rather than going around it for both your ease and ours.
Berry Punch listens to nopony.
Artists Included:
Keboponda (http://keboponda.tumblr.com/)
Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/)
Futiniano (http://futiniano.tumblr.com)
Doctor Whoof (http://griefertock.tumblr.com/)
It’s just hugs! Don’t worry about it! She probably picked it up from Zecora or something.
What with hanging out in the everfree forest so much!
:’D what an amusing submission. Nice work.
We hope to see you later for more challenges! G’bye for now~
Artists Included:
Keboponda (http://keboponda.tumblr.com/)
Those are some frightening situations! Yikes!
Artists Included:
JonFawkes (http://jonfawkes.tumblr.com/)
Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/)
Lily Smith (http://thatgirlwithmorethanonename.tumblr.com)
Jaybeem (http://jaybeaniemags.deviantart.com)
Ponyklown (http://ponyklown.tumblr.com)
Awesome entries everyone, thanks to all who participated!
Artists Included:
Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/)
Techbro-Art (http://techbro-arts.tumblr.com/)
We got one breezie level airbending butterbutt here! Whee~
Sorry for the delays, again, but we hope you had fun and enjoy none the less! We’ll see you later for more challenges! G’bye for now~
Artists Included:
Murderousart (http://murderousart.tumblr.com/)
OR with extra special friends~
Expand dong? Expand dong.
See you folks later! Hope you enjoyed these party favors!
Artists Included:
symplefable (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/symplefable/)