The Twilight challenge is…Vinyl and Octavia’s first date!

Was it quiet and peaceful? Loud and raucous? A little of both? Did it go well? Or was it a flop? Or maybe it was more of a ” let’s paint the town red! ” kinda date?

All these options and any others you can think of are acceptable for tonight’s challenge! You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. Have fun!


The late Twilight challenge is…Equestrian Noire!

The mares…they drive us to vices, like a warm bed on a cold night, always alluring, but never giving us the satisfaction…But my thoughts were scattered by the crack-crack-crack of hooves upon my door, like checkers in a child’s game after a loss, driving into my skull like nails into a coffin.

I knew what it was, what it had to be…who it had to be….another challenge, lost in the night, come to find salvation in the arms of a wretch like me…well, it was my job, after all….

You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. Be cool, cats.

The Twilight challenge today is…A Controversial Issue of Power Ponies!

Every comics run has at least one. An issue or run that does something that gets the fans all riled up for one reason or another. Perhaps as innocent as a costume redesign that shows off a bit to much stkin, or changes the dynamic of the character in some fashion. Maybe a bit to much politics gets thrown into the mix. Or something as troubling as a terrible death or inclusion of overly sexual content to shock it’s readers!

You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. Have fun!

Artists: ( nsfw ) (nsfw )

And the Luna challenge tonight is…Make an Anime for the Student Six!

Could be a school anime, or be daring and make it a harem anime! Or a mecha anime, or something to do with pokemon, or whatever!

You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. Have fun!


The Luna challenge tonight is…Tempest Shadow’s Day Off!

Tempest finally has some time for herself, so how does she spend her vacation days? And does she choose to spend any of them with anyone else? Let’s find out!

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. Have fun!


The Luna challenge is…Great and Powerful Tall/Folk Tales!

The Great and Powerful Trixie wishes to tell us a story! And given that she is telling it, obviously she must be in it! But what is the tale? And whom does she replace- I mean embody in each story? Does she cameo anyone else from her life? That’s for you to decide!

You have 45 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit! Have fun!

The NSFW Luna challenge is…Sexiness Competition: Princess Cadance vs Sunset Shimmer!

It’s a battle for the ages between Sunset Shimmer! The fiery redhead who seems to capture the hearts ( and sexual organs ) of everyone she meets, and Princess Cadance! The physical embodiment of love itself in pony form.

How will the competitors decide the victor? What sort of events are on the docket? Which one will ultimately take home the title of sexiest equestrian citizen!?!?! Only YOU can decide those, and many more questions for tonight’s challenge!

You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. Have fun!


The Luna challenge tonight is…Ponyloafs!

Derpibooru’s direct definition as to what a ponyloaf is, is as follows: Detailed description:
A pony tucking their hooves under their body in a sitting position, much like a cat.

So, do that! Anyone you want, make em do the ponyloaf!

You have 30 minute to draw and 15 to submit! Have fun!